Wildlife Art

What drives the artist to create it, and what fuels the profound connection people feel towards it?

Martin J Day

8/1/20232 min read

The reality is that life itself is ‘wild, and we, as humans, are an integral part of wildlife. Embracing this connection, I have made the conscious choice to express and immortalize this natural essence through my art, which I proudly refer to as Wildlife art.

The fascination with wildlife art stems from our innate curiosity and admiration for the natural world. As artists, we are drawn to capture the beauty and diversity of wildlife, reflecting the wonder it instils in us.

Moreover, people often feel a deep connection to wildlife art because it bridges the gap between humanity and the animal kingdom. It allows us to glimpse into the lives of creatures with whom we share this planet, triggering emotions of empathy, appreciation, and a sense of interconnectedness.

The art form not only evokes a sense of awe and admiration for the subjects depicted but also reminds us of the fragility and importance of preserving our environment and the diverse life it supports. This underlying message resonates profoundly with individuals, fostering a strong emotional bond with wildlife art.

Wildlife painting falls under the specialized genre of nature painting. Traditionally, these artworks capture mammals, birds, fishes, reptiles, and insects in their natural habitats. However in North America, the term "wildlife art" has a broader scope, encompassing all representational art featuring animals in naturalistic settings, regardless of whether the creatures are truly wild. This expanded definition includes animals found in the wild, as well as pets and domesticated animals, making it a highly popular subject among artists of all skill levels.

Wildlife art can be traced back to the cave paintings of early humans, which often depicted animals as part of their hunting rituals, a means of storytelling. Wild animals have always been an important part of human culture, and our relationship with them has been shaped by our need to survive and coexist with them. Today, our love for wildlife and appreciation for their beauty is reflected in the popularity of wildlife art.

Regardless of whether you're drawn to adorable critters or awe-inspiring predators, there's a wildlife painting tailored to suit your interests. The beauty of this craft lies in its diversity, offering artwork in various styles, ranging from realistic portrayals to abstract interpretations. If you have a specific preference, you can easily discover artists who specialize in capturing particular animals or habitats. With such a wide array of choices available, there's undoubtedly a wildlife painting out there that will captivate and resonate with your unique taste.

Drawing or painting wildlife is not only about capturing the external appearance of an animal; it's also about conveying its spirit and character. To do this effectively, an artist must have a deep understanding of animal behaviour and physiology. Fortunately, I have always been fascinated by the biology of all things and have spent many hours learning about different species in great detail. As a result, my paintings are focused on not only the aesthetically pleasing element but also the biological accuracy.

My aim is to transport viewers to different realms and enable them to perceive the world from fresh perspectives, be it through depicting a lone eagle gracefully gliding through the skies, a peaceful koala serenely dozing on a eucalyptus branch, or a majestic herd of elephants traversing the African plains.

~Martin J Day~

Stellar Eagle in Graphite by Martin J Day